Tuesday, May 27, 2008

End of the School Year

I am a horribly bad person. I have yet to post anything worth talking about. Just trying to get the end of the school year rapped up. We have about one and a half weeks left. I am in need of some rest. I am ready to be away from the island and spend a little time with my family. I have succeeded in passing all of my class this year. They have done well and are ready to move to the next grade level. I guess I never expected them all to pass. This year has been a struggle to say the least. So it is a huge accomplishment to say they are all moving forward. I have my reservations about some but I know God has a plan for their lives and I know He will be with them in the future. I know I have learned some valuable lessons for the future as well. I have yet to say anything about nest year but I was waiting for the right time. Come next fall I will finally get to be in the position I have waited for so long. I am going to be the new music director in the fall. I know that it is a huge responsibility but I am confident that God will enable me to do the best I can. I am sooo excited for this new stage in my life. So you pray that God will give me the strength and courage to do his will in my life. That means no more classroom teaching. YEAH!!!


Regi said...

Wow! Sounds like you are taking a big step up. That is so great!

Erika said...

Wow...sounds like the perfect job for you....I am very happy for you:-)

Dixie said...

Hey Mandy, Just found your blog. Congrats on your new job. That is very exciting!!